the neuroscience of eurovision

In our laboratory, we showed 8 songs from Eurovision 2023 to 60 people while they wore a physiological sensor. We have analysed their heart rate and electrodermal responses to each song, and used the results to make predictions about how those songs will place on the 13th May. And here our our predictions! As you can see, there are some surprises…

in the video below, we discuss these predictions, which in some cases, go against what the bookies and many others are predicting. You can also read the small print on your prediction, and see what we predicted last year for Eurovision 22.

The small print

Our goal was to predict the general public’s vote for only these 8 songs. We are not predicting the jury vote, or the overall rankings. Remember, we only studied these 8 songs, and so we can only predict the order that they will place compare to each other. It could be that one of the songs that we did not study may be the overall winner, but we can only make predictions about these 8. Also, there are two rounds in the Eurovision Contest. First each country’s jury of experts allocate their points. Sometimes people think those votes can be influenced by bias and politics between countries. Second, people across Europe places their vote for their favourite song. We are trying to predict only the second element - how the general public will vote for these songs.

You can read more about the details of our experiment on our Open Science Foundation page. The page will be / has been date stamped and sealed before the 2023 Eurovision final, so that we cannot change our predictions!